The scientific world is all about content. It has to be accurate, measurable, compareable and repeatable. In the best case, it is new, unique and revolutionary. Comparable to a service or product on the free market, scientific results cater to a specific clientel. The best research is nothing without an audience, which is why the results are regularly presented at conferences and in magazines. To condense, simplify, or aesthetically upgrade these results for presentation or publication, they sometimes need to be edited and toned. This often requires the knowledge of certain computer software or some graphics skills.

Many years of collaboration with the scientific sector allow me to combine the best of both worlds: enhancing the clarity and visual appearance of research material without compromising scientific rigour.

Workshop Portfolio

  • Poster Presentations – Using graphics design to showcase your research Abstract
  • Microsoft Powerpoint – Accompany your scientific presentation with persuading digital visuals
  • Adobe Photoshop – Professional editing and retouching of images
  • Adobe InDesign – Creating and publishing multi-page layouts
  • Adobe Illustrator – Drawing and handling vector-graphics like an expert