We cannot always predict what our counterpart will see or hear when we act or speak, but being aware that everything is communication underscores the importance of mastering communication skills.
If you are a company, you want to sell your product or service. If you are a scientist, you will want to do something similar with your scientific message. Getting to know your target group and finding out which „language“ they speak is the first step in the process of making yourself heard by your individual market.
Professionalizing the visual appearance of your company, workgroup or project, will be the next step in reaching that target group. It might start with just creating a logo, with defining a font or colours for your service, or it might be a complete make-over of a corporate design from 20 years ago.
Thirteen years of design experience with a diverse array of clients enable me to help find the appropriate language for your individual audience, may it start with a whisper or with a bang.